Introduction & Objectives: We live in a world of turbulent change. New data. New people. New technology. New problems. We are bombarded every day with something new. In this everchanging world, traditional problem-solving methods are no longer effective in all situations. Routine, analytical approaches - the ideal of the Industrial Age - rarely work now. Instead, we must look for new ways to deal with change - creative solutions we can customize to fit any situation. Business creativity is about finding fresh and innovative solutions to problems, and identifying opportunities to improve the way that we do things. One of the predominant factors determining the survival and success of an organisation is the extent to which it nurtures creativity among its people and leverages innovation of products, services, processes and even strategies as the major driver of competitive advantage.
This programme has been designed & structured with the following objectives, that at the end of the programme the participants will be able to:
• Look at problems as opportunities
• Understand and overcome barriers to Creativity
• Apply a variety of idea generating techniques to solve problems
• Solve complex problems using simple out-of-the-box solutions
• Develop skills necessary for implementing innovative solutions in organisational activities, both individually and as a team
• Usher an organisational environment fostering creativity and innovation
Programme content:
• How to view problems as opportunities
• Overcoming barriers to creativity
• How creative are you? a self-assessment
• Processes for creative problem solving – DOIT, TRIZ
• Improving Products and Services – SCAMPER
• Idea Generation Techniques, Effective Brainstorming
• Introduction to Edward de Bono’s Lateral Thinking
Methodology: The workshop will be conducted in a predominantly interactive manner with emphasis on experiential learning.
Highlights include
• Participative learning: group discussions, interactive lectures, audio-visuals, use of stories and examples, self assessments, introspection
• Understanding key concepts/techniques reinforcement through structured exercises, individual and group
• Creativity and Innovation in teams encouraged through group assignments and presentations
Focus Groups /Who should attend : This workshop will be beneficial to executives and managers from middle to senior levels in Marketing, Sales, Research & Development, Design, Engineering, Production, Operations, Logistics, Human Resources, Administration, Finance, Quality and other functions. Due to its cross-functional nature, it will be beneficial to executives/managers in all functions/levels.
Faculty profile: Mr. Amey Hegde is an Internationally Certified Corporate Behavioral Trainer & Management Consultant. His academic qualifications include Post Graduate Studies in Behavioral Sciences Training (PGCPBST) from MIBS, USA & graduate studies in Electronics & Telecom Engineering from Goa Engineering College. He has also been trained by eminent faculty from IITs, IISc Bangalore & SIBM Pune in areas of technology & management. Amey has been trained to use international concepts of Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats® and Lateral Thinking™, Facilitation Skills to Crestcom® standards, and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). He is also certified to administer and debrief the internationally acclaimed psychometric assessment Thinking Pattern Profile™. Amey has over eleven years of work experience in several MNCs & Fortune 100 companies in Europe and India with a varied cultural exposure while working with teams from USA, Canada, Germany, Japan & China and before stepping out into the entrepreneurial training field, was last working at Wipro Technologies, Bangalore. Amey has trained thousands - Directors, GMs, plant heads, senior HR managers, trainers, executives, teachers, doctors, professionals, entrepreneurs from hundreds of organizations on various topics to enhance their productivity.
Delegate Fee : (Inclusive of 10.30% Service Tax):
Non Members: 3,500/-
CII Members: Medium & Large Scale. 3,000/-
CII Members: Small Scale. 2,500/-
Participation Fee & Registration: Fees and other details are mentioned in the ‘Reply Form’ (enclosed).
· Prior Registration is a must.
· Nomination will be registered on receipt of Registration Form and requisite fees (cheque to be drawn in favour of ‘Confederation of Indian Industry’ payable at Panaji)
· Fees include participation, course material (hard copies), working lunch, tea/coffee and Service Tax.
For more details you may contact John on 9822982979/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]

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