About the Creating Positivity Within™ workshop:
A decade of research proves that employee happiness raises nearly every business outcome. Happy employees are on an average, 37% more successful in sales, three times more creative, up to 10 times more engaged by their jobs, 19% more accurate on tasks and 31% more productive and healthier. Research has shown that companies with higher than average employee happiness exhibit better customer satisfaction.
This power packed workshop provides simple techniques for increasing positivity levels of self and others. This program also helps one to understand what one needs to feel happier in one’s life/at work and to maintain one’s motivation even in tough times. The session is based on the internationally acclaimed frameworks of Positive Psychology & Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Benefits of the workshop:
• Learn and apply strategies for increasing positivity, happiness and energy
• Find hidden resources and strengths inside oneself and in team members
• Develop an attitude of gratitude and a feeling of belonging to the organization
• Develop higher levels of job satisfaction and contentment
• Learn a 5 minute habit that can UP your happiness levels by 25%
• Learn a powerful technique to remain motivated in the face of obstacles
• Develop a big-picture view of importance of job that increases motivation
• Appreciate yourself and others to create a climate of support & recognition
Training Methodology:
The session involves an amalgamation of training delivery techniques such as group discussions, management games, role plays, experiential learning, audio-visuals, use of stories & anecdotes, guided introspection, and other effective & innovative methods of learning.
Rs. 2200/- for corporate participants. Special fee of Rs. 1800/- for faculty members/NGOs.
Special group discount of 10% for 3 or more than 3 participants from the same corporate organisation.
Fee is inclusive of a delegate kit, tea/coffee, snacks and luncheon.
Cheque to be drawn in favour of ‘Vital Spark’ payable in Goa.
To confirm your seat at the please call/sms on +91-8888-119820 & email the the scanned copy of the completed nomination form to [email protected] or [email protected]

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